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What is hyaluronic acid?


Hyaluronic acid is the ideal dermal filler to restore the lost volume of your face or to harmonize your features. It is a naturally-occurring compound found in other animals and throughout the body.


When is hyaluronic acid indicated?


Acidul hialuronic te poate ajuta să ai un aspect natural al chipului prin corectarea cearcănelor, redefinirea pomeților, atenuarea ridurilor nazolabiale sau a liniilor de marioneta.

De asemenea, acidul hialuronic este foarte popular pentru augumentarea buzelor.


When is hyaluronic acid indicated?


If you want to plumb up your lips, fill the nose-to-mouth lines (the nasolabial folds), highlight your cheekbones, conceal the jowls or accentuate your jawline, you may need a dermal filler.


Whatever your concerns, Dr. Buzea will give the most natural result, avoiding the “done” look.

Dr. Buzea uses the latest generation of fillers so that you get every time a natural result in perfect harmony with your features.


Since we all are different, your result will be unique.


How is the procedure performed?


Under local anesthesia, the filler is injected into or just under your skin in small quantities to achieve the desired result. The procedure takes about 15 minutes.




Since most of the details about the surgery (what it means, how to prepare for the operation, what type of anesthesia will be used, what the recovery implies etc.) must be discussed face to face, doctor Buzea can offer you a personalized consultation. This way, you can have a better understanding of both the risks and benefits of such an intervention, taking into account your wishes as well as your unique anatomical characteristics. Book an appointment now!


The full range of surgical and non-surgical procedures offered by Dr. Cezar Buzea can be found here.


If the procedure you are looking for is not on the list or you are not sure what kind of procedure is best suited for your concern, Dr. Buzea is available here to answer your questions.



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